Are you experiencing changes to your memory or cognition? Are you having difficulty completing day-to-day tasks?
Cognition therapy can help an individual manage and improve their ability to complete daily activities with increased independence, efficiency, and safety.
At SSNR we provide personalized cognitive therapy for individuals diagnosed with a stroke, traumatic brain injury, TIA, dementia, or other neurogenic progressive diagnoses.

Common Symptoms often caused by a stroke, TBI, TIA, dementia, and other neurogenic diagnoses
- Difficulty planning, organizing, and completing tasks
- Difficulty performing daily tasks
- Difficulty regulating emotions
- Poor insight into current deficits
- Difficulty with orientation to person, place, and time’
- Difficulty finding words and explaining wants and needs
- Difficulty multitasking
- Difficulty with remembering recent events
- Difficulty with working memory skills.
- Slow to process information
- Easily distracted by environment